

Training Course

a neuroscience-based approach to greater well-being, improved relationships and performance at work


Training Course

a neuroscience-based approach to greater well-being, improved relationships and performance at work

In the PsychASSETS Training Course, you will develop your understanding of your psychological needs to improve your well-being, relationships and performance at work. This course will help you to:

  • Understand your unique psychological needs and how they drive well-being and motivation.
  • Mitigate threats for improved decision-making, productivity and performance at work.
  • Communicate your psychological needs, and lead or support others, for improved relationships.
  • Leverage your psychological strengths so you can thrive in different situations.
  • Identify the psychological challenges for each of your needs so you can manage them effectively.
  • Increase opportunities for meeting your psychological needs to improve your life and work satisfaction.

Understand your unique psychological needs, uncover your strengths, identify common challenges and threats, and lead or support others.

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Training Course Details

  • Brain-friendly video training sessions detailing the six psychological needs, benefits of meeting each need, your strengths, common challenges, and ways to support or lead others.
  • Exercises to identify current threats to your psychological needs, and how to manage them.
  • PsychASSETS Assessment and Pro Report (can be used at a later date if you have already purchased the Pro Report).
  • 12 Month Training Course access and Completion Certificate.
  • Commitment is 40 minutes per day for 6 days (4 hours).
  • Tuition $300usd.
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